Friday, June 13, 2014

Enrichment Center - Mimio Training - June 10, 2014 - MimioGradebook, MimioVotes, and Creating Assessments

  1. Click on the MimioStudio Gradebook Desktop Icon. 
  2. Click on "Add class".
  3. Name the class.
  4. Select Add.
  5. Click the "Add Student" Icon.
  6. Fill in the student name and assign a Handset ID number for the student to use or select auto.
  7. Click Add.
  8. Continue adding the rest of your class by selecting the Add Student icon.

Here's a video showing how easy it is to set up your MimioStudio Gradebook.  It uses an example of creating a class for Open House.

Below is a PDF from the MimioVote training with notes and images about the Mimio Gradebook. 

  1. Remove plastic covers and pull white tabs from remotes
  2. Place remotes on the charging station. They will auto-number themselves.
  3. Plug in the Charging Station.  The Charging station must be plugged in during MimioVote sessions to view and navigate the MimioVote toolbar.
  4. Connect the Mimio Hub (USB adaptor) to your computer. Note: If you are sharing the MimioVotes with other classrooms, store the hub on the charging station when not in use.
  5. Troubleshooting Amber light on the Vote tray: The light should be green if it is connecting correctly.
    • Press and hold the Power LED button on the MimioVote charging station until it begins to blink.
    • Open Mimio Notebook
    • Select the Tools menu, then select Settings
    • Select Classroom Devices- the MimioVote should show as Available under the Status column.
    • Select MimioVote from the list and then select the Connect button. The MimioVote status should change to Connected.


A Self Paced MimioVote Activity allows the instructor to print the test or activity questions for the students who will then begin and answer the questions at their own pace.

***You first have to put your class/classes into the MimioGradebook.
****You must have an assessment question on your MimioNotebook page.
*****Mimio Votes need to be "Connected" to the MimioHub

  1. Select a Class from the drop down menu on the MimioVote tool bar. (See image of toolbar below)
  2. Click on the Print Test button to print student copies of the test or activity (Icon on far right of Mimio Vote toolbar).
  3. Select the Start Test button to open the testing (icon directly next to Print Test icon).
  4. Click the blue button with the green arrow or check-mark to start the test and begin the timer (This button is located ON your Mimio Notebook page that contains your questions. 
  5. Students may scroll through the questions using the arrow keys and select answers, and press the blue star to submit test answers. 
  6. Teachers can keep track of how many students have completed the assignment.
  7. The Teacher will click the blue button with green check-mark to stop the testing session.

Below is a video with more detailed instructions for the Mimio Vote self-paced option.

Student-Paced MimioVote Assessment with Existing Printed Test.
Do you have assignments that you have created from OAS or ANY other source, that you already have printed? You can use the MimioVotes with these tests too, in the Student-Paced mode. All you need to do is:
1. Open MimioNotebook
2. Insert a "Universal" template from the Gallery (one per page)
3. Compare the template to the printed test and choose the correct answer on the template.
4. Lock down the template.
5. Then, follow steps 3-7 above.

Creating Assessment Questions to Use with MimioVotes (Text and Universal Templates)
Original Assessment Questions (Text Template)
  1. Open MimioStudio Notebook on your desktop.
  2. Select the Gallery tool on the toolbar.
  3. Expand the Questions and Results category.
  4. Double click or drag the question template onto the MimioStudio Notebook work area.
  5. Type the question, answer choices, and select the gray radio button next to the correct answer. To move the questions click and drag the blue outline. Resize using the corner handles.
  6. Results Charts can also be added to the page which shows how many students chose each option.
  7. To modify a question object:
    • Click the sunshine icon at the bottom-right of the question object you want to modify.
    • The question object properties appear.
    • In the question object properties, you can do any of the following:
    • To change the question type, select an available question type.
    • To change the correct answer animation, select an available animation.
    • To change the weight of the question, enter the weight for the question in the weight box.
    • Click the green check to save your changes and display the question object.

Original Assessment Question (Universal Template)

As you learned from our training sessions, you can use the "Universal" template for many types of assessment questions, in MimioNotebook.

  1. Open MimioStudio Notebook on your desktop.
  2. Select the Gallery tool on the toolbar.
  3. Expand the Questions and Results category.
  4. Double click or drag the Universal question template onto the MimioStudio Notebook work area.
  5. Resize if necessary and move to the desired location on your page. 
  6. Use "Fixed Aspect Ratio" if needed to match up with items on your page. 
Below is a video about how to use the "Universal Question" template from the Gallery.

Click HERE to download a PDF of the Notebook Lesson on inserting original assessment questions using the "Text and Universal" templates from the Gallery. This may help remind you of all of the different ways to use the template. The same PDF's is embedded below.

If you already have an assessment in PDF or Word document format, or if you want to select assessment questions from a website, you can use the screen clipping tool instead of typing in questions directly. Once you have your clipped question and answers on your Notebook page, you can add the "Questions and Results" from the Mimio Gallery. 

1. Use the screen clipping tool to put the question on your page.

2. Use the text box to add A, B, C, D to the clipped image, if necessary.

3. Open the Gallery and choose the appropriate universal question response. Double click it or drag to your page.

4. Click on the correct response. Click the gear icon in the bottom right corner if you want to change how the information is displayed to your students. Then, click the check mark.

5. Go to the Gallery and choose a results chart if you want to include that on your Notebook page. 

6. Click the "add new page" in the standard toolbar or go to insert, new page.

7. Repeat steps 1 through 5 to continue adding questions.

The video below will show you how to manipulate the Questions and Results for your Notebook assessment. 

Mimio Vote:  Using Quick Vote

Using "Quick Vote", in the applications of MimioStudio Tools, or from the middle button on your Teachbar, you can present questions and have your students respond to them. You never have to insert them into MimioNotebook. This works really well with websites for test prep or with other documents that you have already created as assessments.

Click HERE for a printable, downloadable reference card for the MimioVote toolbar.

****If you want to store student results, you must first put your class or classes in Mimio Gradebook.*****

  1. On the toolbar, click the Applications icon, and then choose Quick Vote. Or, you can press the 2nd button on the MimioTeach to open Quick Vote.
  2. Select the class that will participate in the activity from the Class list.
  3. Click Start Polling icon, and then choose the question type to start polling for the question. When all students have responded, polling for the question stops.
  4. To stop polling for a question before all students have responded, click Stop Polling icon.
  5. Click the letter that corresponds to the correct answer for the question.
  6. The results for the current question are saved to the MimioStudio Gradebook along with a screen shot.

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