Monday, May 26, 2014

Monday, May 19, 2014

Cowan Road Middle School - Google Drive Training - May 27, 2014

Atomic Learning has training for Google Apps. Click the link and log in with your GSCS credentials. Once logged in, just type "Google" in the search box.

>Click the Gear icon in the top right
>Choose “Settings”
>Choose “Upload Settings”
>Choose “Confirm settings before each upload”
>Click the red upload button
>Decide if you want to upload individual files or a folder (Folder option ONLY works with Chrome as your browser)
>Choose what you want to upload from your computer
>When “Upload Settings” window appears, choose the option you want
>Click the “Start Upload” button

You will see the status of the upload. Then you will see it appear in Drive. Open Drive on your desktop and you will see the file there too! If you delete a file from your Google Drive on your computer, you will see that it disappears from Drive online too!

Uploading files to Google Drive


To create a new folder:

>Click the red “Create” button


>Click the icon at the top that is a folder with a + sign

>When the dialog box opens, just name your folder and click save.

Think of this function like you used to create folders on “My Computer”

To move files to folders:

>Place a checkmark in the box next to the file you want to move
>Click the folder icon at the top of the page (the one without the + sign)
>When the dialog box opens, choose the folder you want to send the file to
>Click the “move” button

To create a subfolder:
>Open the folder that you want to put a subfolder into
>Click the folder with a + sign icon at the top of the page
>Name your new subfolder
>Click “Create”

To color code folders:
>Click on “My Drive”, in the far left navigation column,so that you will be viewing all of your folders in your Drive
>Hover over a folder that you would like to color code
>Click the pull-down menu
>Scroll down and click “Change color”
>Choose your color


Naming files:

From “My Drive”, to name OR rename a file: 

>Right click on the file
>Choose “Rename”
>Name the document
>Click OK

With the document open, to name OR rename:

>Look in the top left corner of the document
>You will see either “Untitled Document” or “A name you had previously given it”
>Click on that current title
>Rename the document and click “OK”

If you are sharing a document, do not want collaborators to edit your document, but you do need their feedback, you can “share” it with them and they can leave you comments. You can reply to their comments and vice versa. You can also, set the document to notify you when someone adds a comment. Here’s how:

>With the document open, click “comments” button in the top right corner
>Click “Notifications”
>Click “All” or “Replies to you”
>Share the document (See above)

When your collaborators receive your shared document (or if you receive a shared document), all they have to do to comment is:
>Open the shared document
>Click “Comments”
>Click “Comment”
>Highlight the text that you are going to comment about
>Type in your message in the box
>Click “Comment”
Now, the “Owner” of the document will be notified that you have commented on their document.

>With the document open, click “Tools”
>Click “Research”
>A new window will open
>Type in the word or phrase you want information about
>Next the the Google “G”, there is a pull down menu
>Choose how you want to search (everything, images, scholars, dictionary)
>You never have to leave your document to find what you want on Google!

Jackson Road Elementary - Mimio Gallery and Activity Wizard - May 21, 2014


Atomic Learning has training for Mimio Gallery and Activity Wizard. Click the link and log in with your GSCS credentials. Once logged in, just type "Mimio" in the search box.

Click HERE for a downloadable, printable, reference card for the Mimio Gallery.

****Tip: Use singular search terms to get more results.

*****Tip: Think of the Gallery "folder" organization just like your computer. When you search for a file on your computer, you drill down from , "My Computer", "C:", etc... There are sub-folders when you see a + sign (or an arrow on a Mac). 

******Tip: You can copy and paste any image, template, multimedia or lesson into a folder of your choice. You can also drag and drop images right into the Gallery. Just make sure you have the folder highlighted that you want the new image to appear, then drop it into the lower portion of the Gallery.

  1. Gallery file types are divided into 4 parts: Images, Templates, Multimedia, Lesson (The "Lessons" section is not in the Gallery by default. This is available when you add things to the Gallery.)

  1. When searching the Gallery, make sure you have one of the folders highlighted. If you want to search the entire Gallery, then highlight Gallery folder. If you are looking for a multimedia music file, then highlight the Music folder.

  1. Imported Content Packs can be added from

  1. Questions and Results are used to create multiple choice questions and can be used with the Mimio Vote system or the MimioMobile app.

  1. Screen Annotations is the folder that contains ANY screen annotations that you create. These can  also be inserted into new Notebook files.

  1. New Folder - For creating new folders or subfolders. You can also click/drag folders into other folders to create subfolders.

  1. Import File - While you can insert files directly into a Notebook file, you can also make entire files a part of your gallery.

  1. Copy/Paste - Put any Gallery file into multiple folders. You can also "right-click" to copy and paste files and folders.

  1. Import Content Pack - When you download packs from to your computer (MCF files), you use this button to put the Content Packs into your Gallery. Or, if another teacher has shared content with you, this is how to organize those files into your Gallery.

  1. Export Content Pack - Use this button to share any part of your Gallery with other teachers or save them to a portable drive in order to copy them on to another computer.

Mimio Studio Gallery Features

Using Your Mimio Gallery to Make your Lessons More Effective

Adding Content to your Gallery is an interactive teaching community for anyone with the Mimio products and software. You can find 1,000's of interactive lessons that you can download for free. 

Click HERE to create a free account and have access to all of the resources. You can download individual lessons or entire content packs. Below are some videos you may find helpful when using MimioConnect.

"How to Join MimioConnect"

"Searching for Interactive Lessons"

"How to Download Interactive Lessons"

Mimio Activity Wizard

Click HERE for a user guide for the Activity Wizard. You can view it online or save it to your Google Drive. The same PDF is embedded below.

* IF you want to create your own sorting activities, you can always get a template from the Gallery and use your own text boxes and other images from the Gallery.

Click below to view a quick video describing how to create new lessons using the Mimio Activity Wizard.

Crescent Elementary - Mimio Connect and Activity Wizard - May 22, 2014

Atomic Learning now has Mimio training! Just click the link and log in with your GSCS credentials. Then, type "Mimio" in the search box. is an interactive teaching community for anyone with the Mimio products and software. You can find 1,000's of interactive lessons that you can download for free. 

Click HERE to create a free account and have access to all of the resources. You can download individual lessons or entire content packs. Below are some videos you may find helpful when using MimioConnect.

"How to Join MimioConnect"

"Searching for Interactive Lessons"

"How to Download Interactive Lessons"

Mimio Activity Wizard

Click HERE for a user guide for the Activity Wizard. You can view it online or save it to your Google Drive. The same PDF is embedded below.

* IF you want to create your own sorting activities, you can always get a template from the Gallery and use your own text boxes and other images from the Gallery.

Click below to view a quick video describing how to create new lessons using the Mimio Activity Wizard.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Jackson Road Elementary - Mimio Core Skills II - May 14, 2014

Atomic Learning has several training tutorials for Mimio. Just click HERE and when the page opens, log in with your normal GSCS credentials. Then, in the search box, type in Mimio.

Inserting files- You can use files (Word docs, PPT's, PDF's, images, multimedia, etc...) that you have already created, in Mimio Studio Notebook. This is a great feature because you and your students can see the whole document and annotate right over it, anywhere on it. Documents become a part of the Mimio Notebook page so there is no need to "lock" them. 

*Locking -Don't forget, if you insert images, you will want to "lock" them. 
>Select object
>Choose "Format" from top menu
(You can also right click on the selected object)

*Ordering -The last item you insert on to a Notebook page will be the top. If it happens to be an image that you want as a background, you will need to change the order. 
>Select object
>Choose "Format" from the top menu
(You can also right click on the selected object)

 Click here to see a brief video of the 3 methods of inserting your files.

"Screen Clipping"- This is how you can capture ANY image and bring it into Mimio Studio. If you can see it on your computer screen, you can clip it. You can even use the free-form tool to capture JUST the image without the background. This video refers to Mimio version 8. However, you perform the task the same with version 11. Don't forget, if you want the image to remain static on your Notebook page, "Lock" the image. 

"Screen Annotation" - You can use the Mimio tools to annotate over Word, PDF's, or sites from the Internet. Any time you perform the screen annotation function, it is automatically saved in your Gallery. Once your screen annotation file is in your Gallery, you can drag it into your Notebook file. To exit screen annotation mode, just click the "mouse" icon, next to "annotation" icon. 

"File Attachment" - You can attach files right into your Notebook file. They become a part of the Notebook file; similar to attaching a file to an email. You can drag attached files into your Notebook software or open the files separately to annotate over them. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Cowan Road Middle School - Google Drive Training 5-12-14

Drive works best with Google’s Chrome browser.
Drive allows you to share items with students and staff. Anyone you “share” with can also collaborate on the items.
30GB of storage for:
You can also upload files that are not in Google format or convert your already created files to a Google formatted doc so that you (and others) can edit and collaborate.

Only files uploaded that are NOT in Google format count toward your storage

Supports many file formats

You can download the Google Drive mobile app to your devices and edit there too.

Jump drives
Emailing large files
Carrying devices to and from work/home

Link to Drive from Chrome homepage or from your Gmail
Access to your files from anywhere in the world
Can STORE just about anything on Goolge Drive
Create folders and sub-folders
Real-time collaboration on documents

>Click on the folder that you want to put the new document into
>With that folder chosen, click  (In top left corner)
>Choose Document
>Click on “Untitled Document” in the top left corner
>Name your document
>Click OK
>Begin creating your document.
>Every keystroke is saved in Drive automatically!

>Check the box by the file or folder you want to share
>2 options for sharing from “My Drive”
>Click the  icon at the top

>Right click on the file and click share
>Share from the open document by clicking the   button in the top right corner of the document.
>After you choose how to share, the “Share Settings” window will open and you can decide here what rights your collaborators will have.
>Choose to send a message when you share
>Choose to send yourself a copy
>Click “Share and Save”

Click the video below to see a brief demonstration of sharing files in Google Drive.

If someone shares a file or folder with you, it will be in the “shared with me” link in Drive. These “shared with me” files are not automatically synced with your Drive on multiple computers. If the owner of the document deletes a file from their drive, then you will no longer have access to it either. If you want to make sure you don't lose access to a file that has been shared with you, "make a copy" of the document. This can be done in the "File" menu with the document open. Then, you can also choose to move the new document to one of your existing folders. You can also click the box next to the file, then click "Add to My Drive" at the top of the screen.

Click the video below to see a brief demonstration of how to keep access of "Shared" files on your Google Drive.

Once a document is "Shared", with "Can Edit" options, multiple people can work on the document at the same time or at ANY time. If all changes aren't approved by all collaborators, you can always use the revision history to retrieve an older version of the document.

GSCS 3rd through 5th grade students now have email through GAFE. Below is the page they see upon their first attempt to log into Gmail. 

You can share files with your students through Google Drive. They can also submit files to you through Google Drive. If you "Share" and assignment with an entire class, and each student needs to complete it and submit it back to you, make sure to choose the "Can View" option. Then, they will need to open the document, and make a copy of it. I would suggest you determine a standard for file names. For example, if you name the document "Chapter 2", have the students click "file", "make a copy" and name it Lastname_firstname_Chapter 2. That way your class is not working on the same document and it will be easier to organize when they submit back to you.

Click below for a brief demonstration of how students can make a copy of an assignment that you share with "View Only" capabilities.

>While logged into Gmail, click the “Mail” button in the top left.
>Choose “Contacts”.
>In THAT list, scroll down and click “New Group”.
>Name your group. Now this group is listed in the left pane.
>Choose the group you just created.


>Begin typing names in

>After typing in all of your group’s names, click add and you are done! Now you have a “Group” so you don’t have to type in all of your student’s or colleague's names each time you want to share a file with multiple people.

Click on the video below for a brief demonstration of how to create groups in Gmail.

1. Atomic Learning This is the link for GSCS staff and students who have email addresses. Log in with your GSCS credentials (Several tutorials for both Mail and Drive)

2. This is the link for parents, students and community to access Atomic Learning.

3. Ask the Google Gooru. You can “subscribe” to the Gooru also and get updates via Gmail.

4. The Paperless Classroom with Google Docs

5. Synergyse will be available next school year.

6. Call or email me with ANY Google Apps questions. I am happy to help!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Anne Street - Mimio Core Skills II - May 5-8-14

Atomic Learning has several training tutorials for Mimio. Just click HERE and when the page opens, log in with your normal GSCS credentials. Then, in the search box, type in Mimio.

Inserting files- You can use files (Word docs, PPT's, PDF's, images, multimedia, etc...) that you have already created, in Mimio Studio Notebook. This is a great feature because you and your students can see the whole document and annotate right over it, anywhere on it. Documents become a part of the Mimio Notebook page so there is no need to "lock" them. 

*Locking -Don't forget, if you insert images, you will want to "lock" them. 
>Select object
>Choose "Format" from top menu
(You can also right click on the selected object)

*Ordering -The last item you insert on to a Notebook page will be the top. If it happens to be an image that you want as a background, you will need to change the order. 
>Select object
>Choose "Format" from the top menu
(You can also right click on the selected object)

 Click here to see a brief video of the 3 methods of inserting your files.

"Screen Clipping"- This is how you can capture ANY image and bring it into Mimio Studio. If you can see it on your computer screen, you can clip it. You can even use the free-form tool to capture JUST the image without the background. This video refers to Mimio version 8. However, you perform the task the same with version 11. Don't forget, if you want the image to remain static on your Notebook page, "Lock" the image. 

"Screen Annotation" - You can use the Mimio tools to annotate over Word, PDF's, or sites from the Internet. Any time you perform the screen annotation function, it is automatically saved in your Gallery. Once your screen annotation file is in your Gallery, you can drag it into your Notebook file. To exit screen annotation mode, just click the "mouse" icon, next to "annotation" icon. 

"File Attachment" - You can attach files right into your Notebook file. They become a part of the Notebook file; similar to attaching a file to an email. You can drag attached files into your Notebook software or open the files separately to annotate over them. 

Anne Street Elementary - Mimio Gallery and Mimio Activity Wizard - May 13, 2014


Atomic Learning has training for Mimio Gallery and Activity Wizard. Click the link and log in with your GSCS credentials. Once logged in, just type "Mimio" in the search box.

Click HERE for a downloadable, printable, reference card for the Mimio Gallery.

****Tip: Use singular search terms to get more results.

*****Tip: Think of the Gallery "folder" organization just like your computer. When you search for a file on your computer, you drill down from , "My Computer", "C:", etc... There are sub-folders when you see a + sign (or an arrow on a Mac). 

******Tip: You can copy and paste any image, template, multimedia or lesson into a folder of your choice.

  1. Gallery file types are divided into 4 parts: Images, Templates, Multimedia, Lesson (The "Lessons" section is not in the Gallery by default. This is available when you add things to the Gallery.)

  1. When searching the Gallery, make sure you have one of the folders highlighted. If you want to search the entire Gallery, then highlight Gallery folder. If you are looking for a multimedia music file, then highlight the Music folder.

  1. Imported Content Packs can be added from

  1. Questions and Results are used to create multiple choice questions and can be used with the Mimio Vote system or the MimioMobile app.

  1. Screen Annotations is the folder that contains ANY screen annotations that you create. These can  also be inserted into new Notebook files.

  1. New Folder - For creating new folders or subfolders. You can also click/drag folders into other folders to create subfolders.

  1. Import File - While you can insert files directly into a Notebook file, you can also make entire files a part of your gallery.

  1. Copy/Paste - Put any Gallery file into multiple folders. You can also "right-click" to copy and paste files and folders.

  1. Import Content Pack - When you download packs from to your computer (MCF files), you use this button to put the Content Packs into your Gallery. Or, if another teacher has shared content with you, this is how to organize those files into your Gallery.

  1. Export Content Pack - Use this button to share any part of your Gallery with other teachers or save them to a portable drive in order to copy them on to another computer.

Mimio Studio Gallery Features

Using Your Mimio Gallery to Make your Lessons More Effective

Adding Content to your Gallery is an interactive teaching community for anyone with the Mimio products and software. You can find 1,000's of interactive lessons that you can download for free. 

Click HERE to create a free account and have access to all of the resources. You can download individual lessons or entire content packs. Below are some videos you may find helpful when using MimioConnect.

"How to Join MimioConnect"

"Searching for Interactive Lessons"

"How to Download Interactive Lessons"

Mimio Activity Wizard

Click HERE for a user guide for the Activity Wizard. You can view it online or save it to your Google Drive. The same PDF is embedded below.

* IF you want to create your own sorting activities, you can always get a template from the Gallery and use your own text boxes and other images from the Gallery.

Click below to view a quick video describing how to create new lessons using the Mimio Activity Wizard.