Monday, May 19, 2014

Cowan Road Middle School - Google Drive Training - May 27, 2014

Atomic Learning has training for Google Apps. Click the link and log in with your GSCS credentials. Once logged in, just type "Google" in the search box.

>Click the Gear icon in the top right
>Choose “Settings”
>Choose “Upload Settings”
>Choose “Confirm settings before each upload”
>Click the red upload button
>Decide if you want to upload individual files or a folder (Folder option ONLY works with Chrome as your browser)
>Choose what you want to upload from your computer
>When “Upload Settings” window appears, choose the option you want
>Click the “Start Upload” button

You will see the status of the upload. Then you will see it appear in Drive. Open Drive on your desktop and you will see the file there too! If you delete a file from your Google Drive on your computer, you will see that it disappears from Drive online too!

Uploading files to Google Drive


To create a new folder:

>Click the red “Create” button


>Click the icon at the top that is a folder with a + sign

>When the dialog box opens, just name your folder and click save.

Think of this function like you used to create folders on “My Computer”

To move files to folders:

>Place a checkmark in the box next to the file you want to move
>Click the folder icon at the top of the page (the one without the + sign)
>When the dialog box opens, choose the folder you want to send the file to
>Click the “move” button

To create a subfolder:
>Open the folder that you want to put a subfolder into
>Click the folder with a + sign icon at the top of the page
>Name your new subfolder
>Click “Create”

To color code folders:
>Click on “My Drive”, in the far left navigation column,so that you will be viewing all of your folders in your Drive
>Hover over a folder that you would like to color code
>Click the pull-down menu
>Scroll down and click “Change color”
>Choose your color


Naming files:

From “My Drive”, to name OR rename a file: 

>Right click on the file
>Choose “Rename”
>Name the document
>Click OK

With the document open, to name OR rename:

>Look in the top left corner of the document
>You will see either “Untitled Document” or “A name you had previously given it”
>Click on that current title
>Rename the document and click “OK”

If you are sharing a document, do not want collaborators to edit your document, but you do need their feedback, you can “share” it with them and they can leave you comments. You can reply to their comments and vice versa. You can also, set the document to notify you when someone adds a comment. Here’s how:

>With the document open, click “comments” button in the top right corner
>Click “Notifications”
>Click “All” or “Replies to you”
>Share the document (See above)

When your collaborators receive your shared document (or if you receive a shared document), all they have to do to comment is:
>Open the shared document
>Click “Comments”
>Click “Comment”
>Highlight the text that you are going to comment about
>Type in your message in the box
>Click “Comment”
Now, the “Owner” of the document will be notified that you have commented on their document.

>With the document open, click “Tools”
>Click “Research”
>A new window will open
>Type in the word or phrase you want information about
>Next the the Google “G”, there is a pull down menu
>Choose how you want to search (everything, images, scholars, dictionary)
>You never have to leave your document to find what you want on Google!

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