Tuesday, April 15, 2014

MimioVote - Using Self-Pace with Printed Test

Student-Paced Mimio Vote Assessments

A Self Paced MimioVote Activity allows the instructor to print the test or activity questions for the students who will then begin and answer the questions at their own pace.

***You first have to put your class/classes into the MimioGradebook.
****You must have an assessment question on your MimioNotebook page.
*****Mimio Votes need to be "Connected" to the MimioHub

  1. Select a Class from the drop down menu on the MimioVote tool bar. (See image of toolbar below)
  2. Click on the Print Test button to print student copies of the test or activity (Icon on far right of Mimio Vote toolbar).
  3. Select the Start Test button to open the testing (icon directly next to Print Test icon).
  4. Click the blue button with the green arrow or check-mark to start the test and begin the timer (This button is located ON your Mimio Notebook page that contains your questions. 
  5. Students may scroll through the questions using the arrow keys and select answers, and press the blue star to submit test answers. 
  6. Teachers can keep track of how many students have completed the assignment.
  7. The Teacher will click the blue button with green check-mark to stop the testing session.

Below is a video with more detailed instructions for the Mimio Vote self-paced option.

Student-Paced MimioVote Assessment with Existing Printed Test.
Do you have assignments that you have created from OAS or ANY other source, that you already have printed? You can use the MimioVotes with these tests too, in the Student-Paced mode. All you need to do is:
1. Open MimioNotebook
2. Insert a "Universal" template from the Gallery (one per page)
3. Compare the template to the printed test and choose the correct answer on the template.
4. Lock down the template.
5. Then, follow steps 3-7 above.

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